my professor took me to Hiroshima for joining UNITAR training program.
(UNITAR = United Nations Institute for Training and Research)
I had very very rare and amazing experience in there.
I was very lucky my prof. and Mr.Berin who is specialist of UNITAR accepted me to this program.
(do you know what happened in 1945 in Hiroshima?
maybe needless to say, the atomic bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945, on the city of Hiroshima, and the survivors have been suffering from recovering the city or illness for a long long time. still now, many people are in distress of after effect and sad memories.)
maybe its better to see the photos than explaining with sentences.
enjoy it with my poor english!lol
I felt the peace memorial park is so well-planned park.
(I don't know "well-planned" is proper adjective to express, but the park was sooo nice)
peace memorial museum
8時15分で止まった時計。 the wrist watch that stopped at the time atomic bomb was dropped, 8:15 am. いろんな偶然が重なって広島に投下された原爆。 原爆資料館はほんと見てるのが辛くなるくらいで、写真はあまり撮れませんでした。 でも全部実際に起こった事実なんだよね。 why it hit Japan? why Hiroshima? there were several reasons and coincidence. at the time the US decided the place, unfortunately Hiroshima was in good condition. it was blue and clear sky. actually I couldn't take pictures in the museum, because it was pretty much depressing and got me speechless. the exhibit and photos was just ..... difficult to believe that was true. however, I want you to visit the museum someday if you have a chance. you'll learn so many things for sure. here is the homepage address of the peace memorial museum. you might wanna check. http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/ |
説明を受け、原爆ドームへ。左の妊婦よ!その格好でいいのか!笑 |
日本の近代建築の巨匠 丹下健三 教授曰く 足がエロティック。 the museum was designed by famous Japanese modern architect Tange Kenzo. |
原爆投下地点から一番近くに生存者が発見されたところ。 the place where a survivor was found at the closest point from the atomic bomb was dropped. |
the survivor had hidden that he was alive even though he was in such a close point from the bomb, cuz he didn't want the US to think the power of atomic bomb was not strong enough.
we got the special permission of getting inside of atomic bomb dorm from the city government. (its usually forbidden to get inside, and there is a fence. ) |
囲いの中から from inside the fence |
瓦礫もそのまま。1946年まではただのゴミ扱いだったんだって。建物も全部。 It has been preserved in its condition following the bombing. |
よく見るとわかるけど、ヒビにはモルタルが塗ってある。 |
中はがっちがちに鉄骨が組まれている。外からはわかりにくい。 |
市の説明を聞く参加者 |
通訳の方 |
皆さん熱心に質問していました。 |
そこにあるものは日本特有の 滅びの美学 なのかもしれません。
what I am interested in was the difference of thinking how do we preserve important old buildings.
should we preserve old buildings no matter what it takes or use brand-new technology and stays it fresh?
let them go to ruin, because it is more natural.
I don't know the answer but there might be a japanese peculiar value.
we call it "the extincted Aesthetics". It means everything in this world is getting old or dying down, but it is beautiful.
それでも時が経てばこの地に生命が生まれるのです。 but with time, a new life is born. |
夜の公園を一人でぶらぶら。気持ちよかった~ |
in last day, we went to Itsukushima Sinto Shrine.
シカがいっぱい。まつげ5㎝ぐらいあったんだけれども。実に羨ましい。笑 there were deers. they were so cute but they bite anything we have!! |
30年に一度の屋根改修工事。杉の板を3㎝ずつずらして、10層に重ねる。 釘は竹でできていて、兵庫県に唯一その釘を作る会社が残っているそうです。 |
時が経つとこうなる。 |
潮が引くと鳥居まで歩けるそうです。 |
なんたってこの構造がすごい。この部材なんていうの?? |
how can i express my feelings?
actually, I've been Hiroshima once for my school trip, but i caught a cold and i couldn't really see around Hiroshima. but if i was fine at that time, i guess i was too little to understand the disaster of atomic bomb.
and now i grew up and see how terrible was that. such a stupid thing shouldn't be happened again. never never never again.
Hiroshima has overcome a big big trial, and now it became a wonderful city.
I want all of you to come visit Hiroshima. and i wanna ask all of you in all over the world,
"do you really think that we still need any nuclear power for ourselves? "
i hope you are not gonna say "yes".
thank you for reading all.
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